Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Coincidence or Not?????

I read yesterday that former Vice President Dick Cheney hurt himself while moving boxes out of the White House. When he made his appearance at the Inauguration he was in a wheelchair. Now I don't want to get into politics here, and I do wish the former VP the best of health but, I can't help but think of another rich guy in a wheelchair.....Mr Potter from It's a Wonderful Life. The similarity between the two is scary!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pictures from Space is a website run by NASA and it shows some pretty cool images from space. Chances are that you and I are never going to orbit the earth, so here are at least the pictures you would see if you did.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jusdon Laipply, the creator and star of the original "Evolution of Dance" video has made a follow up called "The Evolution of Dance 2". The original version is the most viewed viral video on YouTube. Here are both versions for your enjoyment.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Best Bud's

This is pretty cool. A 15 year old basset hound named Beryl has made a new friend at an animal shelter in the UK. Beryl met Wol a Owl and the two have been best buds ever since! Here is the whole story....

The pair have become inseparable since meeting at an animal refuge, and are quite happy to cuddle up together on an armchair.
Beryl the Basset Hound, who is a grand old dame at 16 years old, and four-year-old tawny owl Wol struck up a friendship when their owner realised they both loved watching television in the evenings.
Sara Ross, who shares her home in Tenterden, Kent, with the animals said: "They are both rescue animals and they're like best buddies. Wol needs full-time care and one day I was giving him a bit of exercise and he just plonked down on Beryl's back. She doesn't mind, she's really laid back and a bit of a pussycat really.
"She didn't mind at all and now you can't keep them apart.
"Four times-a-week you'll see them settle down to watch what's going on in Albert Square. Beryl barks when it's over and Wol gets a bit upset too, with a bit of flapping.
She added: "They are inseparable. They love cuddling up and watching television together.
"It won't come as a surprise that they love nature documentaries, but they also like soaps like Coronation Street and Emmerdale."
She added: "I've never known two animals who are so different hit it off quite so well. They just love being around each other."