Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Michael Jackson is ALIVE!!

Okay, people, it's on: The best "MICHAEL JACKSON IS STILL ALIVE" conspiracy theory . . . (--so far) . . . has begun.

--You can already tell it's a hoax, but nobody can deny these things are fun . . . and, as ELVIS has proven time and time again, they just never get old. (???)

--A video has appeared online of a coroner's van pulling into what looks like an underground garage.

--When it stops, someone gets out, goes to the back of the van and opens one of the doors.

--Then someone whose identity is obviously being shielded gets out of the back of the van . . . and the other person takes them through a door and out of sight.

--The claim being made is that the person getting out of the back of the van is Michael . . . and that this video was shot right after he ALLEGEDLY died and his body was removed from his rented home.

--In other words, he FAKED HIS DEATH.

--The person who posted the clip says, quote, "I checked the license plate number and it looks like the King of Pop is jumping out of the same van his dead body has been in.

--"I got the original video tape from a trustworthy source. I know him for years. And I am sure it's real and Michael is alive."

(Thanks to The Complete Sheet for this story)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Dumbest thing ever!

This might be the dumbest thing I have ever seen. It's a brand new style of jeans. Check it out...and maybe you too will want a pair of Winkers!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Taylor pranks Keith

In Kansas City Taylor Swift pulled a pretty cool prank on tour mate Keith Urban. Taylor and her band dressed up like KISS and walked on stage during one of Keith's huge songs. Here is the video

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wow!!! This is so cool!


When Kiera Brinkley of Portland, Oregon, was just two years old, she contracted a bacterial infection, which forced doctors to amputate her arms and legs.

--But Kiera, who's now 16, never gave up her dream of becoming a dancer . . . and of visiting the Juilliard School of Dance in New York City. Well, guess what?

--An organization called Dream Factory heard Kiera's story, and they've arranged for her to visit Juilliard where she'll sit in on classes, and even perform for Juilliard students.

--Kiera says, quote, "I'm in a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop me . . . Never stop, never think that the life you have now is all that you can have. Just go out and do what you love to do."

--Kiera arrived at Juilliard on Tuesday, and she'll be there for the next week.

(KATU News 2 - Portland / KGW News 8 - Portland)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tailgate Contest

The Country’s Best Tailgaters! (Thanks to Dial-Global Show Prep!)

Fanatical tailgaters are gearing up for the return of college football, and National Brands Cajun Injector and The Original Louisiana Hot Sauce are searching for the best of the best. Winners will receive national corporate sponsorship and be deemed the official “Pro Tailgaters.” Tailgaters can submit a YouTube video showcasing their dedication and passion for college football tailgating. Three teams with the most enthusiastic viral videos from different colleges across the U.S. will be chosen. They’ll receive smokers, fryers, cookware, tents, cooking tables, ice chests, clothing and a weekly allowance for a selection of meat and beverages. One winner will receive an Original Louisiana Hot Sauce Mascot Costume complete with an internal cooling system. Winners will be announced September 1st. Visit to submit your video.

Tailgating Tips:
1. Always dress in team colors and don’t forget to dress for the weather.
2. Timing is everything: Food should always be ready about two hours before the game.
3. Plan to arrive three to four hours early and stay one to two hours after the game.
4. Plan your menu. Keep your menu simple, but not too simple - and always spice it up!
5. Fly your team’s colors with a flag or designate a monument so people can find you.
6. Make a list of items you’re taking out to your spot.
7. Meet your tailgate neighbors; you may need to borrow something or share in the celebration of a winning season.
8. Decorate your tailgate site either in team colors or a theme; make it fun.
9. Always find a good place to park. Be strategic in your parking either – close to restrooms or entrances to the game.
10. Leave your area as clean as it was when you arrived.