Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Christmas Flash Mob AWESOME!

This is an awesome display of how good a flash mob can be!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

You're Number One!!!

The results are in and the number one YouTube video of the year is.........

The Bed Intruder Song!

This was created after a man broke into a women's apartment and tried to sexually assault her. Some dude then took all the news footage and made a song out of it. Although this was a serious story the local TV news station really should look for someone else to interview next time. This video has been viewed over 47 million times!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thanks Jacob.....

If you haven't seen the video yet that Craig Warmbold and Lezli Young put together yet on the the Jacob Gassen's funeral you have got to see it. It brought back a lot of memories for me. My brother died in 1985 while on a training flight for the Air National Guard. Our fighting men and women deserve more than we can give them.

Well done Craig and Lezli! And Godspeed Jacob.........

Monday, December 6, 2010

One tough Cross Country Runner

A 16-year-old cross country runner from San Francisco named Holland Reynolds collapsed just before crossing the finish line at a race last week. Then she crawled the last 15 feet to help her team win the state championship.

--After the race, Holland was treated for dehydration and hypothermia, and the footage has become a huge hit on YouTube.