Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Pub Crawl

At least once a year we like to get out with friends for a mini version of a "Pub Crawl". This past weekend we headed out with our friends the Johnsons and Carneys to hit some back road taverns around southern Wisconsin. With my wife as the designated driver we headed towards Theresa to get some cheese curds then east towards the lake. Along the way we stopped at various businesses to partake in libations. The common rule, one beverage, per stop, then move on. We had a great time and ended up at a new Irish Pub in Watertown that was great. Non-smoking and great atmosphsere. Here are some pictures of our tour.

Glory Days Bar in Waubeka
Our gang in Kewaskum
Cheese curds...what was left!
Mr Fritz's in Fredonia. We liked this place they had free popcorn! Our stop for dinner in Delafield. Try the homemade Amber it's great!
A little bowling in Cooney, ok... maybe just a beer!
How about just a few tree pics!

A beautiful sunset to cap a great day!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Favre the Legend

Well in case you missed it....A report from FOX Sports says that former Packers quarterback Brett Favre called the Detroit Lions a few days before the Packers played there and gave the Lions information on the Packers offense. Favre is denying the report and the Lions are saying no comment. Here is the story http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/8694746/Sunday-Scoops:-Is-Favre-guilty-of-insider-trading?

If the story is true, than Favre looks like a spoiled brat who is a bitter man towards his former team. Until we know for sure we need to keep a cool head. I sure hope it is not true...because if it is then he can retire a New York Jet and let them retire his jersey.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall color tour

Every year my wife and I take a trip in October to celebrate our wedding Anniversary and to check out the fall colors. This years trek took us to Columbia, Sauk and Richland counties. It was a beautiful day for a drive and great to stop by local farmers markets and apple orchards. Sometimes I guess we overlook what we have in our own state. It sure is a great place to live and visit. Now I understand why people from other states like to visit here! Here are some of the sights that we saw.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Well here it is my first blog ever! So what should I write..........? Maybe something about my personal life or maybe something that is going on at the radio station? I'm not too sure where to start so here goes.

Let's start in an area I'm comfortable:
First off I would like to say what a beast Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers is. If there are still any of you out there that don't think this guy is the the real deal you need you head examined. A shoulder that is killing him and he still throws fro over 300 yards and three TD's versus the Falcons.

Secondly my pick to win this years Dancing with the Stars is now offically out of the competition. Misty Mae Treanor went down with a torn Achilles Tendon (ouch)! She is done and so is my streak at correctly predicting the winner (last three in a row!)

Ok so let's talk about something other than sports. How about the economy. As I listen to all the doomsayers sling their opinons about how bad things are I keep thinking.....am I missing something? Just watch a profeesional or college sporting event. Do you see alot of empty seats? I was at the Badger game on Saturday night and there wasn't many empty seats. I also stood in line for 15 minutes to get my order of nachos. People were spending money like crazy and if the economy was so bad wouldn't people be cutting back on their entertainment? Gas prices are coming down now and soon food prices will start to back off as well. Hopefully everyone's 401k's will start to come back soon. I has a conversation with our station manager the other day about the economy and he said that the media is most responsible for scaring people into thinking things are so bleak. That is probobly true. It's human nature to beleive that something is worse than it actually is. While I realize that some people have lost their homes or had to cut back on their driving ask yourself this question. How many people do you know that have lost their house or haven't been able to send their kid to college because of the economy? My guess is there are not many.