Tuesday, September 22, 2009

She lost 100 pounds.....and kept it off!

Ladies . . . this is just a gentle reminder that it's never too late to take better care of yourself . . . and your family . . . by dropping those extra pounds.

--42-year-old Jill Knapp is five-foot eight-inches tall, and by the time she got pregnant with her second kid, her weight had ballooned to 237 pounds.

--Then she was diagnosed with Type Two Diabetes.

--So Jill made it her mission to get healthy and she lost 100 POUNDS. (!!!)

--Jill even competed in the Mrs. Idaho beauty pageant, and finished sixth out of 16 contestants. More importantly, she's kept the weight off for six months.


Sandie said...

That is amazing! Here story is amazing. I did a google on her name and went to her web site. I think everyone needs to see it.

She is doing wonderful things. I do in deed need to lose weight big time and she has fully inspired me to get to work on that right away.

Luanne said...

I am so inspired! I have seen her story before! I cant' get off the carbs and it stinks. I should just go cold turket.