Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Top Three of 2009

Here are the top three videos on youtube for 2009. Enjoy.....

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Possible Troll Doll????

Recently, a website called featured a story about an unidentified woman who was embarrassed by her BABY'S BALD HEAD. (???)

--So, in order to make her baby more attractive, she started forcing the poor kid to wear a WIG. That's right . . . a wig.

--We're just as baffled as you are.

(Story from The Complete Sheet)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hey has anyone seen the remote?

If there's a handbook for drunken partygoers, here's rule number one: NEVER be the first person to pass out at a party. Here's a perfect example of why . . .

--19-year-old Huang Chen lives in Changsha, China (--in the southeastern part of the country).

--After a recent night of heavy drinking and debauchery, Huang woke up with a mysterious pain in his backside.

--So he went to the hospital, only to learn that while he was passed out, one of his jerk friends had jammed a TV REMOTE IN HIS NO-GO HOLE. (!!!)

--And this sounds suspicious to us, but according to the British tabloid the "Daily Mirror", while Huang was being examined, he turned over in bed and inadvertently changed the channel on the hospital ward's TV. (???)

--According to Huang's doctor, quote, "We couldn't quite believe it when we saw the X-ray. [Huang] will be fine in time but the remote was a write off."

(Thanks to the Complete Sheet for the story)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Go to Movies

On Wednesday's show we shared a list of the top 17 "Go to Movies" of all time. You know, the movie that when there is nothing else to watch, you throw it in even if it's for the 100th time. Stefani and I, along with our listeners compiled a list of our greatest "Go to Movies" . Here is the list......

Pretty Woman (Rick and wife)
Robin Hood (Rick)
Amelie (Stefani)
Army of Darkness (Stefani)
Evil Dead (Stefani)
Ghost (Stefani)
Dirty Dancing
Dances with Wolves
Pirates of the Caribbean
Breakfast Club
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
The Notebook
Kill Bill
Die Hard
Lethal Weapon
Outlaws Josie Wales
I’ll Be There
8 Seconds
Top Gun
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Sister Act
Mama Mia
Can’t Hardly Wait
Bridges of Madison County
Donnie Darko
Groundhog Day
Star Wars
Lord of the Rings
Christmas Vacation
The Man from Snowy River

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009


My friend John sent me this. What do you think?



Why is it that if you cross the North Korean border illegally you
get thrown into prison and get 12 years of hard labor... If you
cross the Iranian border while out supposedly leisurely hiking in
the hills you get arrested and imprisoned... But if you cross the
U.S. Border illegally you get a drivers license, a Social Security
card and free health care?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Corn Maze for Blondes

Dan the Insurance man sent me this! Awesome Dan.


An insane photo of a shark attack appeared online yesterday. It was taken recently by a photographer from Brisbane, Australia, and it shows a 10-foot shark that looks like it was almost BITTEN IN HALF . . . even though it's still alive as they're hauling it onboard.

--There's likely only one thing big enough to have done it: A monster 20-foot shark, twice its size. The photo LOOKS like a hoax, but for now people are saying it's real. (Daily Telegraph)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Worst movie titles of all time

Check out this site. It has the worst movie titles of all time. Pretty funny...I wonder what kind of drugs you have to be on to come up with these titles?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Don't mess with MY flag!!!

Two Fridays ago, an unidentified 21-year-old man forgot his ID and was turned away from a bar where all the local war veterans hang out in Valley Falls, New York (--about 20 miles northeast of Albany).

--So, to show everyone just how angry he was at being denied entrance, the guy cut down the American flag from the VFW's flagpole and SET IT ON FIRE.

--Anyway, members of VFW got pretty mad. So on Sunday, they hunted the man down at a kids' soccer game and gave him three choices:

#1.) They could turn him over to the police for burning the flag.

#2.) They could beat him up.

#3.) Or they could DUCT-TAPE him to a flagpole for SIX HOURS, while wearing a sign around his neck identifying what he did.

--The guy chose option number three.

--According to Nick Nomile, the local VFW post commander and a Vietnam veteran, quote, "He'll never disrespect the flag again, I can tell you that." (!!!) So far, no charges have been filed against anyone. (Albany Times-Union)

Here is the news story from TV10

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hair today...gone tomorrow

Let's face it . . . your average beauty queen is more interested in her HAIR than . . . well, just about everything else. Which is what makes THIS so cool . . .

--Last year, when Tara Wheeler was crowned Miss Virginia 2008, she announced that she was going to SHAVE HER HEAD as a sign of solidarity with kids battling cancer.

--But it seems the 'Powers That Be' didn't want a bald Miss Virginia, and the plan was nixed.

--So after Tara's reign ended this summer, she finally made good on her promise by lopping off all her hair.

(Thanks to the Complete Sheet)
Way to go Tara!!!! Talk about really putting your money where your mouth is. I bet she is one super cool chick!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tips to a better workout


In your mid-20s, your metabolism slows down, and your body starts burning fewer calories . . . up to 200 less a day. Then at 40, your body REALLY starts packing it away. But it doesn't have to. Here are five easy ways to burn 500 extra calories a day . . .

#1.) WORKOUT OUTSIDE. You burn 10 percent more calories running outside than you do on a treadmill. Treadmills drag your feet, and you don't have to propel yourself forward. And running into the wind, even if it's a slight breeze, burns more calories.

#2.) ALWAYS WARM UP. Most of us don't take the five minutes to do it, but we should. For every degree your body temperature goes up, your metabolic rate increases by 13 percent.

#3.) RUN AT DIFFERENT SPEEDS. Bursts of intense activity make you burn more fat than running or riding a bike at one constant speed. And even after you're finished, it makes your body burn about 15 percent more fat than it would otherwise.

#4.) DEVOTE ONE HOUR, ONCE A WEEK. Researchers found that people who worked out for an hour burned nearly five times as many post-workout calories as people who only exercised for 30 minutes.

#5.) USE HEAVIER DUMBBELLS. You burn 25 percent more calories lifting 20 pounds five times, than you do lifting 10 pounds ten times . . . even though it's the same total weight.

--And researchers say that even if you can only do sets of 3 to 6 reps with heavier weights, it makes your body burn up to eight percent more calories every night while you SLEEP. (

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

She lost 100 pounds.....and kept it off!

Ladies . . . this is just a gentle reminder that it's never too late to take better care of yourself . . . and your family . . . by dropping those extra pounds.

--42-year-old Jill Knapp is five-foot eight-inches tall, and by the time she got pregnant with her second kid, her weight had ballooned to 237 pounds.

--Then she was diagnosed with Type Two Diabetes.

--So Jill made it her mission to get healthy and she lost 100 POUNDS. (!!!)

--Jill even competed in the Mrs. Idaho beauty pageant, and finished sixth out of 16 contestants. More importantly, she's kept the weight off for six months.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Patrick Swayze RIP

Patrick Swayze was sooooooo cool. Loved Red Dawn, Ghost, Dirty Dancing and Roadhouse. Here is Patrick with the late Chris Farley on SNL from years ago.

Chris Farley - Chippendales

Flu Facts

Flu season is in full swing a full two months earlier than normal this year – and nearly all cases are the new swine flu H1N1 strain that so far is targeting mostly children and younger adults. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few things we should all be aware of. Here are some questions and the answers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which predicts a long and busy flu season.

Q. Where’s the vaccine, and how many shots will I need?
A. Many people will need to line up twice – one vaccine for the regular winter flu, which is available now, and a separate vaccine for the swine flu, which will be available in October. It appears that adults will need just one dose of the H1N1 swine flu vaccine, but studies are under way in children to see if they will need a second booster.

Q. Why can’t both vaccines be combined into one shot?
A. Bad timing is the short answer. Swine flu didn’t show up until April, after manufacturers had already started brewing this fall’s batch of the regular winter flu vaccine and too late to add into that mix.

Q. How does swine flu compare to regular flu strains?
A. So far it doesn’t seem any more deadly than regular flu, which kills between 35,000 – 40,000 Americans each flu season. But swine flu does appear to have a different target – the young. And it spreads very easily, especially in crowded schools. A University of Washington study found the typical sick school student infects two to three classmates – so keep sick kids home!! By the way, the sad reality is that you can be contagious up to 24 hours before you show symptoms, one reason the flu spreads like a wildfire.

Q. Who’s at highest risk of severe illness or even death?
A. Children under 5. Pregnant women. People over 65. And people of any age with asthma or other lung disorders; diabetes; heart, kidney, liver or blood disorders; or a weakened immune system.

Q. I think I had the swine flu over the summer. Do I still need the vaccine?
A. YES! Other viruses mimic flu so it’s hard to be sure what you had – or didn’t have.

Q. How does swine flu affect children, and what symptoms should prompt a race to the doctor?
A. Symptoms are the same if you’re 5 or 65: Fever; aches, cough, sore throat, sneezing or runny nose, sometimes diarrhea and vomiting.

Q. What are emergency signs for an adult?
A. Difficulty breathing, pain or pressure in the chest or stomach, dizziness, confusion, severe vomiting or a rebound fever.

Q. Will I or my child need anti-flu medicines Tamiflu or Relenza?
A. No. Most won’t, according to the CDC. Most people will recover with rest and fluids – don’t get dehydrated.

Q. How long should sick kids stay out of school or day care?
A. For 24 hours after the fever breaks naturally, not because of fever-reducing medicine. And never give a child aspirin, only non-aspirin fever reducers. For a child under 5, ask a doctor first about type and dose. You’re considered most contagious while feverish. Bush children especially can be contagious for over a week, so doctors say use common sense – stay home if you’re still sick after the fever breaks.

Q. Is it true that not everyone get a fever?
A. Yes. There are no good estimates although the CDC thinks it’s not too common.

Q. Someone’s sick in my office. How long until I know if I caught it?
A. Up to a week.

Q. What do I do if I find out I have swine flu – or the regular seasonal flu.
A. Tell everyone and stay away from everyone – including co-workers, friends and to the extent possible, family.

Q. Can you catch the flu from the flu shot?
A. No. It’s biologically impossible for a flu shot to give you influenza; it’s made with a dead virus. But the flu shot won’t prevent a cold or other flu-like viruses, causing some confusion.

Q. What if I hate shots?
A. There’s FluMist, which is squirted in your nose and available for people ages 2 to 49.

Q. What if I have asthma?
A. Any flu can worsen asthma attacks. Children may be prescribed Tamiflu at the first symptoms, so call your doctor.

Q. What if I have diabetes?
A. Flu can increase a diabetic’s blood sugar, so test frequently and call your doctor about adjusting insulin or other medications

Q. My child was told to bring hand sanitizer to school and use it regularly. Is there any concern with that?
A. No. Just keep the whole bottle away from kids who might try to swallow it.

Q. Where can I find out more information?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Voices of Glory

We are interviewing Voices of Glory from the TV show America's Got Talent. They are one of the finalists for the million dollar grand prize. Here is their audition for the show. Very inspiring!

Friday, September 4, 2009

High School Football Hero

(CNN) -- A Mississippi high school quarterback is being hailed as a hero for saving a school bus full of elementary and high school students from a gun-wielding girl.

Surveillance camera footage on the Yazoo County school bus on Tuesday captured 18-year-old Kaleb Eulls tackling the 14-year-old girl while the children evacuated the bus.

He managed to wrestle the .380 caliber semi-automatic handgun from her, Yazoo County Sheriff Thomas Vaughan told CNN.

"Things could've got real ugly and there would've been a lot of grieving families in Yazoo County right now," Thomas said. "I'm just extremely glad this young man took the bull by horns and stopped a potentially deadly situation."

Twenty-two children ages 5 to 18 were on the bus to Linwood Elementary School, Yazoo County Junior High and High School when the unidentified girl drew a gun from her bag, Vaughan said. Watch the confrontation unfold on camera »

She started pacing the aisle, shouting and pointing the gun, threatening to shoot those she accused of teasing her, Vaughan said.

At one point, the bus driver calmly called her up to the front and attempted to talk her down. But she returned to the middle of the bus and resumed shouting -- most of which is inaudible on the footage, except for the comment, "don't talk to me."

Someone then appears to grab her attention while the others pour out the front and back doors of the bus.

That person was Eulls, a 6-foot-4, 255-pound high school senior and star quarterback who has verbally committed to play for Mississippi State University after he graduates.

He has also been recognized as one of the best high school players in the state by the Clarion-Ledger newspaper this year.

Eulls was asleep on the bus until his younger sister woke him and told him a girl had a gun, Eulls told CNN affiliate WLBT.

"I just realized something had to be done, and it was just a lot of kids on the bus and [I] couldn't let anything happen to them," he said.

"I tried to grab her attention, just keep her from pointing it at anyone else in the bus," he said.

In a matter of seconds, Eulls rushed the girl to the ground, took the gun from her and was running out the back door of the bus. On the footage, she can be seen running after him. Watch Eulls' mother talk about the incident »

The girl was arrested and taken into custody as a juvenile. She faces 22 counts of attempted aggravated assault, 22 counts of kidnapping and one count of possession of a firearm on school property because the bus is leased by the school district, Vaughan said.

Everyone else, including Eulls, continued on to school, where he received a hero's welcome, Vaughan said.

Eulls' mother said she was a little shocked by the incident.

"When he tackled her to get the gun he could've got shot you know -- she could've shot him. ... His career could've been ruined for the rest of his life," Ora Eulls told HLN's Mike Galanos.

"I told him I was proud of him, we all was proud of him, and I told him don't ever scare me like that again, because he did a tremendous thing saving 23 lives, plus he put his life in danger for their lives."

Since Tuesday, the high school and the police office has been flooded with calls from the media and the public seeking more information on Yazoo County's hometown hero.

Vaughan says he couldn't be more pleased with the situation -- especially when he learned that Eulls was bound for Mississippi State.

From the clocks and banners decorating his office to the screen saver on his computer, Vaughan says he is a Bulldogs fan through and through.

"I'll be tickled to see him on the field. You can see in his body makeup he's extremely strong and fast, and not only is he strong in body, he's strong in mind and in his heart," the sheriff said.

"He's one of the most humble 18-year-olds you will ever see. He's a great kid and if he maintains his mindset as he has it now he'll go a long ways."

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

She hid the beer where?


I'm not going to pretend like I know the best technique for shoplifting a 20-pound case of beer. But I'm pretty sure that THIS isn't it . . .

--On Monday, 42-year-old Lisa Newsome was arrested for stealing a 24-pack of beer from a convenience store in Zachary, Louisiana (--about 10 miles north of Baton Rouge).

--But the sweetest part of the whole thing is that on the store's surveillance camera, you can clearly see Lisa shove the entire case of beer UP HER DRESS, and waddle out of the store with it lodged BETWEEN HER LEGS.

--According to the officer who arrested Lisa, quote, "She attempted to show us how she did it. But we told her not to pull her pants down."

--As of last night, Lisa was still being held on $1,000 bond.

(Thanks to Complete Sheet for the story)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Michael Jackson is ALIVE!!

Okay, people, it's on: The best "MICHAEL JACKSON IS STILL ALIVE" conspiracy theory . . . (--so far) . . . has begun.

--You can already tell it's a hoax, but nobody can deny these things are fun . . . and, as ELVIS has proven time and time again, they just never get old. (???)

--A video has appeared online of a coroner's van pulling into what looks like an underground garage.

--When it stops, someone gets out, goes to the back of the van and opens one of the doors.

--Then someone whose identity is obviously being shielded gets out of the back of the van . . . and the other person takes them through a door and out of sight.

--The claim being made is that the person getting out of the back of the van is Michael . . . and that this video was shot right after he ALLEGEDLY died and his body was removed from his rented home.

--In other words, he FAKED HIS DEATH.

--The person who posted the clip says, quote, "I checked the license plate number and it looks like the King of Pop is jumping out of the same van his dead body has been in.

--"I got the original video tape from a trustworthy source. I know him for years. And I am sure it's real and Michael is alive."

(Thanks to The Complete Sheet for this story)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Dumbest thing ever!

This might be the dumbest thing I have ever seen. It's a brand new style of jeans. Check it out...and maybe you too will want a pair of Winkers!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Taylor pranks Keith

In Kansas City Taylor Swift pulled a pretty cool prank on tour mate Keith Urban. Taylor and her band dressed up like KISS and walked on stage during one of Keith's huge songs. Here is the video

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wow!!! This is so cool!


When Kiera Brinkley of Portland, Oregon, was just two years old, she contracted a bacterial infection, which forced doctors to amputate her arms and legs.

--But Kiera, who's now 16, never gave up her dream of becoming a dancer . . . and of visiting the Juilliard School of Dance in New York City. Well, guess what?

--An organization called Dream Factory heard Kiera's story, and they've arranged for her to visit Juilliard where she'll sit in on classes, and even perform for Juilliard students.

--Kiera says, quote, "I'm in a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop me . . . Never stop, never think that the life you have now is all that you can have. Just go out and do what you love to do."

--Kiera arrived at Juilliard on Tuesday, and she'll be there for the next week.

(KATU News 2 - Portland / KGW News 8 - Portland)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tailgate Contest

The Country’s Best Tailgaters! (Thanks to Dial-Global Show Prep!)

Fanatical tailgaters are gearing up for the return of college football, and National Brands Cajun Injector and The Original Louisiana Hot Sauce are searching for the best of the best. Winners will receive national corporate sponsorship and be deemed the official “Pro Tailgaters.” Tailgaters can submit a YouTube video showcasing their dedication and passion for college football tailgating. Three teams with the most enthusiastic viral videos from different colleges across the U.S. will be chosen. They’ll receive smokers, fryers, cookware, tents, cooking tables, ice chests, clothing and a weekly allowance for a selection of meat and beverages. One winner will receive an Original Louisiana Hot Sauce Mascot Costume complete with an internal cooling system. Winners will be announced September 1st. Visit to submit your video.

Tailgating Tips:
1. Always dress in team colors and don’t forget to dress for the weather.
2. Timing is everything: Food should always be ready about two hours before the game.
3. Plan to arrive three to four hours early and stay one to two hours after the game.
4. Plan your menu. Keep your menu simple, but not too simple - and always spice it up!
5. Fly your team’s colors with a flag or designate a monument so people can find you.
6. Make a list of items you’re taking out to your spot.
7. Meet your tailgate neighbors; you may need to borrow something or share in the celebration of a winning season.
8. Decorate your tailgate site either in team colors or a theme; make it fun.
9. Always find a good place to park. Be strategic in your parking either – close to restrooms or entrances to the game.
10. Leave your area as clean as it was when you arrived.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Wedding Dance

This couple of Minnesota made national headlines for their wedding ceremony when the entire wedding party danced down the aisle leading up to the big event. Now, I heard about this video and thought it must be something really exciting if over seven million people viewed it on youtube. I watched the video and came away disappointed. First off it was not all that well choreographed. Secondly the dancing was not that well done. Lastly, I think it would have been better outside of the church instead of during the service. Your thoughts??

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

LIfesavers in Milwaukee

I don't know if you have seen this video yet but it is amazing. A van flips over in Milwaukee and three people are trapped inside. Thanks to a group of bystanders, two off duty firefighters and an off duty police officer everyone is alive. Here is the video from CNN. It takes a few seconds to load.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Now it's time for a little segment we like to call "What's Hot with the Youth of Japan." So . . . what's hot with the youth of Japan?

--Well, apparently, the latest fad in Japan is getting a body modification procedure called . . . a "Bagelhead." So what's that mean?

--Basically, "Bagelheading" involves injecting a saline solution under the skin . . . which causes swelling . . . then using your fingers to mold the swelling into the shape of a bagel. (???)

--After 24 hours, the bagel swelling loses its shape . . . and the skin returns to its normal size.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It happens every time. You are in the middle of a movie at a theater and suddenly the gigantic soda you drank 20 minutes ago is banging on the sides of your bladder wanting out. What do you do? Leave for the restroom and potentially miss a pivotal moment in the film? Stay for the whole movie and wet yourself like a 6 month old infant? Now a website has been created to help you in your hour of need. It’s called and it does the dirty work for you before you see the movie. Here’s how it works:

Before you go to the movie log on to the website and click on the movie you are going to see. Runpee will tell you the moments in a movie that you can miss without missing any valuable movie content!

Pretty cool idea. Unless you’re like me and have to go 3-4 times while the movie is playing!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

World Champions

The beard and moustache world championship took place over the weekend.

The winner was an Anchorage native named David Traver, who sported a beard he'd woven to resemble an Alaskan snowshoe.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Paula is weird but kinda cool


For some reason, PAULA ABDUL has decided to give SCOTT MACINTYRE . . . (--this year's blind "American Idol" finalist) . . . a GUIDE DOG.

Last Friday, Paula sent Scott out on what he thought was a singing engagement. But she actually took him to the headquarters of the Guide Dogs of America in Sylmar, California. When they got there, she told him he was getting a dog.
(--The Guide Dogs of America website says guide dogs cost roughly $38,000)
Scott "test drove" a few guide dogs at the event . . . but he won't be able to get his own dog until after the "Idols Live" tour wraps in September.
(--That's because he needs to have the time to go through training with the dog first.)

(--You can watch Paula springing her surprise on Scott at the link below. The clip also features some exciting bonus footage of Scott actually walking with the dogs.)

Give it a chance to load this website's video player kinda sucks!

Friday, April 17, 2009

You learn something new everyday.

Today on the Morning Show I learned something new. Something I had never heard of. Something that I should have know about, but for some reason never didn't. Today I learned what it meant to be teabagged. I didn't even know that this was a well known commotity. When Stefani brought it up I could tell by her reaction that she was shocked that I had never heard of it. When she asked Zach he just burst out in laughter, and then when Jeff Smith joined in the conversation everyone was having a good laugh Once we went to break I was able to ask Stefani what exactly it was (I had a few ideas) and she explained it to me. I can now say I have learned why it was so funny and thought these couple of pictures would help those of you that don't have a clue what it is.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Be careful, they may not be who they say the are!

Crooks Trick Your Caller ID for Identity Theft
See the story here from ABC NEWS!
Spoofing Services Let Users Alter Caller ID; Learn How to Protect Yourself from Fraudulent Phone Scams
ABC NEWS Consumer Correspondent
April 13, 2009—
Many of us rely on caller ID to screen our calls and protect our privacy, but maybe you shouldn't trust that little digital display. It turns out that when you pick up the phone, you can't always believe your eyes -- or ears.
Why? Because of a technological trick called "
Caller ID Spoofing" that allows callers to change the name and number that come up on the display when they call someone.
It used to take sophisticated technology and expertise to "spoof" a number, but commercial spoofing services have brought the trick to the masses. Now, for as little as $10 an hour, customers can dial into a spoofing service that gives them the ability to change the number they appear to be calling from.
Spoofing services even offer you the ability to disguise your voice. A man can choose to sound like a woman, and vice versa.
Lancaster, Pa., Gets Spoofed
Crooks using their own spoofing equipment recently contacted hundreds of Lancaster, Pa., residents -- including Gail Gray, the mayor's wife. They pretended to be with a local bank and asked for
sensitive account details.
Gray told ABC News she came close to
giving the con artists sensitive financial information. "It threw a scare into me initially," she said. "It's like they knew they had a bite on the line and they were ready to hook one."
As the economy has gone down,
financial scams have gone up, and this is one of the ploys the crooks are pulling -- spoofing the phone numbers of financial institutions to gain people's trust and then simply asking people for their financial details.
"We have got to update the laws in order to keep up with the sophistication of the criminals," said Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.
Florida is the only state that has banned caller-ID spoofing. Florida legislators made spoofing a first degree misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in prison. The law went into effect in October 2008, and the spoofing industry is suing to overturn it. Idaho and Alaska have also considered anti-spoofing laws, but have not finalized any bills so far.
Click here to find out how to protect yourself from spoofing scams.
Spoofing Industry Defends Services
The U.S. Senate is considering a bill that would make only the fraudulent use of spoofing illegal. Nelson explained that caller-ID spoofing is like a crowbar. It can be used as a legitimate tool or to commit crimes.
"We need to give prosecutors the updated tools to go after this new, very sophisticated criminal that is using technology now in the place of the crowbar," he said.
Attorney Mark Del Bianco, who represents several spoofing companies, said banning spoofing would be an unconstitutional violation of free speech.
"There are many people that feel that because it can be misused you ought to make it as broadly illegal as possible, and that is just wrong," said Del Bianco.
Del Bianco listed several legitimate uses of spoofing. For example, secret shoppers that companies hire to anonymously test customer service sometimes spoof their numbers to hide their identities. Battered women's shelters use the technology to protect their residents. And business executives have used it to display their corporate phone number when they are calling somebody back from a private cell phone. But, of course, pranksters love the service, too.
Del Bianco said commercial spoofing services cooperate with law enforcement subpoenas. He said investigators are pleased when crooks use commercial spoofing services instead of their own spoofing technology, because the spoofing companies keep complete records of every call and make those records available to authorities.
Del Bianco said his clients offered to block bank phone numbers from their services, so callers would not be able to spoof them. But banks did not want to provide the numbers, so the effort stalled.
ABC News asked Del Bianco to explain the legitimate purpose of the voice-changing feature, which allows callers to disguise their voices and he said, "There may be none," but added that it's included as on option because "it's a part of the software."
ABC News tried out a spoofing service we found online. For $10 we purchased an hour of talk time. We then dialed the spoofing company's toll free number.
First, a recorded message prompted us to enter the number we wanted to call. Then another prompt allowed us to enter the number we wanted to appear to be calling from. A third message asked us if we wanted to disguise our voice. We then called co-workers and, sure enough, we were able to make it look like we were calling from a major national bank, the Internal Revenue Service, even the CIA.
How to Protect Yourself From 'Phone Phishing'
When somebody has the ability to alter the number that comes up on caller-ID, there's the potential they will abuse that power. Scammers who spoof numbers are usually calling people up and fishing around for
personal financial information they can use to steal their identities, known as "Phone Phishing."
Every year, millions of Americans fall victim to phishing scams over the phone and online. And e-mail addresses can be "spoofed" too! There are several ways to protect yourself:
*First and foremost, never give out financial information over the phone unless you initiated the call.
*Keep in mind that your bank already knows your account number, etc., so would not be asking for it.
*Be wary of callers who ask for "confirmation" of personal information, such as social security numbers, credit card numbers and credit card security codes.
*Don't call phone numbers that are listed in e-mail messages or links. Instead, look up the number yourself online or go low tech and find it on your statement.
*Ask the callers if you may phone back with the information they have asked for, then call the institution directly to confirm.
*If you have already given your information to someone over the phone, contact the real company directly right away to alert them that you may have been scammed.
*Finally, monitor your bank accounts and credit reports to be aware of any suspicious activity.

You can find additional information about spoofing and phishing here:
The Federal Trade Commission is the nation's identity theft clearinghouse:
The National Consumers League is a nonprofit organization that tracks fraud:
To order your free credit report and check it for suspicious activity:
ABC News' Kim Berryman contributed to this report.
Copyright © 2009 ABC News Internet Ventures

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Heart Attack Grill

Stefani and I were called the other day about a grill in Arizona called the Heart Attack Grill. The cafe serves nothing healthy and features a french fry bar instead of a salad bar. Several of our listeners had either heard of it before or had actually visited it. Friend of show Andy was taking a trip to Arizona and took some pictures of his experience at his favorite restaurant. Here is the front of the building.

Here is burger in question: The Quadruple Bypass. 4 burger patties weighing in at 2 pounds. Eight pieces of cheese and a huge bun that was deep fried in lard! The final calorie count.... a whopping 8,000!

Here is our man Andy devouring the monstrosity.

This is the before and after picture of Andy's stomach.

After you complete the task you are wheeled to the door by the "Nurses" of the Heart Attack Grill. (kinda like Hooters girls, but only with stethoscopes).

Another friend of show Shelby was also recently there and send us this video from CBS about the experience.

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Get help NOW!!!


#1.) If you're having trouble getting through, try calling the Retentions Department, the New Service Department . . . or the Collections Department. Why?

--People in these departments tend to answer calls quickly. And when they transfer you to the department you actually need . . . you'll automatically jump to the head of the line.

#2.) If you get caught in a maze of computerized phone prompts, hit "zero", the "star button" or the "pound sign" over and over . . . and you'll probably be routed directly to an operator.

#3.) Learn to speak Spanish. Why? Because the Spanish option usually has shorter wait times . . . and your operator will probably be bilingual anyway.

#4.) Mumble or speak nonsense. The logic is that if the voice robot on the other end of the line can't understand you . . . it'll be forced to transfer you to an actual person.

#5.) Some Interactive Voice Response systems are programmed to put anyone who uses PROFANITY at the front of the line . . . so you might want to try cursing.

#6.) Many companies allow customers to schedule a customer-service call time on their website . . . so you won't have to wait on hold. And if your problem isn't urgent, you might consider sending an email instead of calling on the phone.

#7.) Or just don't pay your bill. That way, the company will call YOU.

(Voip News)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Is that a hopscotch on your roof? Or are you just happy to see me?

Roof Prank
A student made a secret addition to his family's mansion home - by painting a 60ft penis on the roof. Andy and Clare McInnes were delighted when builders finished the new flat roof on their $2 million house. But it gave their son Rory, 18, who had just watched a documentary about Google Earth, an idea to make the property stand out. He grabbed some white paint and climbed up to the roof, where he spent half an hour reproducing a giant penis! For the next 12 months only Rory knew about the giant manhood on the roof near Hungerford, Berks, but his secret was out when a helicopter pilot spotted it. McInnes a company director, initially thought it was a wind-up when The Sun contacted him about the painting. He said: "It's an April Fool's joke, right. There's no way there's a 60ft phallus on top of my house." McInnes then spoke to all four of his children. When he phoned Rory, who's in Brazil , he burst out laughing, and said: "Oh, you've found it then!" He added: "When Rory gets home he will be given a scrubbing brush and white spirit and he can go and scrub it off."

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I received this e-mail today and thought it would be a good idea to get behind one of our students from Wisconsin. Pittsville is located in Central Wisconsin, not far from Wisconsin Rapids and Marshfield. Please do me a favor and cast for vote for Colleen!


Good Afternoon! My name is Kris Doering; I am the head of the Pittsville School District Art Department. My students participated in the Heinz Ketchup Creativity Contest to design a ketchup packet. Heinz called me last Wednesday and out of 45,000 entries one of my second grade students, Colleen Lassa, was selected as a finalist by the artist Burton Morris. The public will selected the winner through online voting March 20th through March 25th @ Her design is a ketchup bottle swinging on a swing. If her design wins she will receive $1000, I will receive $1000 in art supplies, the kitchen will receive $1000 in ketchup, the design will be printed on 200 million ketchup packets, and the design will be made into a poster to hang at our school. The state of Wisconsin has never won this contest. Please vote and have everybody you know vote. Seeing how Pittsville is the smallest city in the center of Wisconsin, Colleen’s design would not be able to compete with the other finalist from larger cities without your help. I would deeply appreciate it if you would help publicize this on you radio station, and encourage your listener to vote online between March 20th and March 25th. Adding the link to your webpage would make the website accessible to your listeners.

Thank you,
Kris Doering
Pittsville Art Department
5459 Elementary Ave.
Pittsville, WI 54466

Friday, March 6, 2009

Airpod car

Here is a story from the website This thing sounds pretty cool. It does not look as cool as the Tesla but at two bucks every 62 miles it is a bargin!


While outfits like Lightning and Tesla are attempting to make eco-friendly cars sexy, MDI is taking things in a completely different direction. The recently-made-official Airpod looks practically nothing like anything seen on American roadways today, which is probably why it's apt to hit the streets of France and New Zealand first. The oddly shaped automobile will reportedly reach a top speed of 70kmh (44mph) and cruise 100-kilometers (62 miles) on just $2. The secret? A minuscule compressed air-powered engine on each of the rear wheels, both of which get instructed by the car's joystick (Atari fans, rejoice!). We're told that reloading the engine with hot air takes less than two minutes, and if all goes well, the first of the urban vehicles will hit the cobblestones in the spring of 2009. Is that the sound of Tata's NANO feeling threatened, or what? [Via EcoGeek]

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Largest Stingray caught!


Recently, 45-year-old Ian Welch of Aldershot, England (--about 40 miles southwest of London), was in Thailand to help with a fish tagging program . . . when he reeled in a stingray that turned out to be the BIGGEST FRESHWATER FISH ever caught.

--Check out the specs on Ian's behemoth catch . . .

--The stingray weighed 771 POUNDS. That's 125 pounds heavier than the previous record-holder, a 646-pound catfish caught in 2005 . . . and it's even heavier than a typical silverback gorilla. (!!!)

--The stingray was seven-feet long by seven-feet wide . . . plus a ten-foot tail.

--It took 13 men a total of 90 minutes to hoist the fish onto the boat.

--According to Ian, the stingray, quote, "dragged me across the boat and would have pulled me into [the water] had my colleague not grabbed my trousers. It was like the whole earth had just moved. I knew it was going to be a big one."


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chip Cartoon

This cartoon appeared in the NY Post. Many people are outraged thinking that this is a racist comment toward President Obama. What do you think? Is it racist or is the cartoonist just trying to make a point about the stimulus package?

Here is the whole story:
The New York Post is standing behind a cartoon that some have interpreted as comparing President Barack Obama to a violent chimpanzee gunned down by police. The cartoon in Wednesday's Post by Sean Delonas shows two police officers standing over the body of a bullet-riddled chimp. One of the officers says the other, "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill." Civil rights activist Al Sharpton called the cartoon "troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African-Americans as being synonymous with monkeys."
But Sharpton said the Post should clarify the point it was trying to make with the cartoon, which was playing off Monday's rampage by a pet chimpanzee in Stamford, Conn., that left a woman severely mauled. Police ended up killing the chimp. In a statement, Post Editor-in-Chief Col Allan said: "The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington's efforts to revive the economy. Again, Al Sharpton reveals himself as nothing more than a publicity opportunist."

Friday, February 13, 2009

Only 10 said no

Here is a story from last weeks Wisconsin State Journal. Of all the State Legislators in state government only 10 said no to a pay raise for the new year. During this time of a tight economy, a recession and major bailouts do you think this sends the wrong message? I would really like to hear your comments.


A Wisconsin State Journal editorialFebruary 7, 2009

In your face, Wisconsin.Nine out of 10 state lawmakers took a 5.3 percent pay hike last week.They're taking the extra cash just as the rest of state government braces for service and job cuts to fix a record $5.7 billion budget deficit.Thousands of state workers face possible layoffs. Tens of thousands of state employees will be lucky to receive any pay raise at all this year. But not Wisconsin lawmakers. Our fearless leaders -- fearless, apparently, of public outrage at their arrogance -- are mostly accepting higher full-time pay for what most of them acknowledge is a part-time job.According to the chief clerks of the Senate and Assembly, 122 of the state's 132 lawmakers started receiving a $2,530 annual raise in their monthly paychecks from taxpayers last week. That boosts each member's annual pay to $49,943. On top of that, each lawmaker receives an average of $11,500 in daily allowances for expenses each year. They also are reimbursed for mileage to and from the Capitol if they live outside Dane County.Even before the raise, Wisconsin was among the 10 states with the highest legislative pay.But our complaint is not with how much lawmakers are paid. It's with their lack of leadership during tough financial times.Let's give credit to the 10 lawmakers who showed leadership by returning their pay raise:
Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills
Sen. Jon Erpenbach, D-Waunakee
Sen. Ted Kanavas, R-Brookfield
Sen. Dan Kapanke, R-La Crosse
Sen. Joe Leibham, R-Sheboygan
Sen. Dale Schultz, R-Richland Center
Rep. Steve Hilgenberg, D-Dodgeville
Rep. Dan Knodl, R-Germantown
Rep. Margaret Krusick, D-Milwaukee
Rep. Keith Ripp, R-Lodi
The self-sacrifice of these 10 public servants will save the state money and, more significantly, reassure the public that we're all in this together. Well, all of us except for the 122 lawmakers who took the extra money. All of those lawmakers are listed below.Senate Majority Leader Russ Decker of Weston set the wrong tone early on by declaring he planned to take his raise. Assembly Speaker Mike Sheridan of Janesville eventually took his pay raise, too. The State Journal first called on the Legislature in September to return its pay raise scheduled to start last week.The 5.3 percent raise is for two years. So lawmakers can't get another hike until at least 2011.Yet even on an annual basis the raise is higher than what most people in Wisconsin are likely to receive this year -- assuming they keep their jobs.Some lawmakers say they'll give their pay raise to charity. But that won't help the state budget shortfall or offset any of the state's pending service cuts. If state leaders couldn't be persuaded to return their pay by now, it's unlikely they'll change their minds. But we'll be sure to remind readers of their decision when they ask others to sacrifice in the coming weeks and months. Voters also should remember who took the money on Election Day next year.
Those who took the money:
Sens. Timothy Carpenter, D-Milwaukee; Spencer Coggs, D-Milwaukee; Rob Cowles, R-Green Bay; Russ Decker, D-Weston; Michael Ellis, R-Neenah; Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau; Glenn Grothman, R-West Bend; Dave Hansen, D-Green Bay; Sheila Harsdorf, R-River Falls; Jim Holperin, D-Conover; Randy Hopper, R-Fond du Lac; Robert Jauch, D-Poplar; Neal Kedzie, R-Elkhorn; Pat Kreitlow, D-Chippewa Falls; Alan Lasee, R-De Pere; Julie Lassa, D-Stevens Point; Mary Lazich, R-New Berlin; John Lehman, D-Racine; Mark Miller, D-Monona; Luther Olsen, R-Ripon; Jeffrey Plale, D-South Milwaukee; Fred Risser, D-Madison; Judy Robson, D-Beloit; Jim Sullivan, D-Wauwatosa; Lena Taylor, D-Milwaukee; Kathleen Vinehout, D-Alma; Robert Wirch, D-Pleasant Prairie.
Reps. Joan Ballweg, R-Markesan; Peter Barca, D-Kenosha; Chuck Benedict, D-Beloit; Terese Berceau, D-Madison; Penny Bernard Schaber, D-Appleton; Garey Bies, R, Sister Bay; Spencer Black, D-Madison; Ed Brooks, R-Reedsburg; Fred Clark, D-Baraboo; Pedro Colon, D-Milwaukee; David Cullen, D-Milwaukee; Chris Danou, D-Trempeleau; Brett Davis, R-Oregon; Kristen Dexter, D-Eau Claire; Jason Fields, D-Milwaukee; Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon; Donald Friske, R-Merrill; Phil Garthwaite, D-Dickeyville; Mark Gottlieb, R-Port Washington; Tamara Grigsby, D-Milwaukee; Scott Gunderson, R-Waterford; Mark Gundrum, R-New Berlin; Gary Hebl, D-Sun Prairie; Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh; Kim Hixson, D-Whitewater; Mark Honadel, R-South Milwaukee; Ann Hraychuck, D-Balsam Lake; Mary Hubler, D-Rice Lake; Michael Huebsch, R-West Salem; Andy Jorgensen, D-Fort Atkinson; Dean Kaufert, R-Neenah; Samantha Kerkman, R-Genoa City; Fred Kessler, D-Milwaukee; Steven Kestell, R-Elkhart Lake; Joel Kleefisch, R-Oconomowoc; Bill Kramer, R-Waukesha; Daniel LeMahieu, R-Cascade; Thomas Lothian, R-Williams Bay; Cory Mason, D-Racine; Dan Meyer, R-Eagle River; Nick Milroy, D-Superior; Louis Molepske Jr., D-Stevens Point; Phil Montgomery, R-Green Bay; Jeffrey Mursau, R-Crivitz; John Murtha, R-Baldwin; Stephen Nass, R-Whitewater; Tom Nelson, D-Kaukauna; Lee Nerison, R-Westby; Scott Newcomer, R-Hartland; John Nygren, R-Marinette; Alvin Ott, R-Forest Junction; Jim Ott, R-Mequon; Joe Parisi, D-Madison; Sandy Pasch, D-Whitefish Bay; Kevin Petersen, R-Waupaca; Jerry Petrowski, R-Marathon; Mark Pocan, D-Madison; Sondy Pope-Roberts, D-Middleton; Don Pridemore, R-Hartford; Mark Radcliffe, D-Black River Falls; Kitty Rhoades, R-Hudson; Jon Richards, D-Milwaukee; Roger Roth, R-Appleton; Kelda Roys, D-Madison; Marlin Schneider, D-Wisconsin Rapids; Donna Seidel, D-Wausau; Mike Sheridan, D-Janesville; Gary Sherman, D-Port Wing; Jennifer Shilling, D-La Crosse; Christine Sinicki, D-Milwaukee; Jeff Smith, D-Eau Claire; James Soletski, D-Green Bay; Richard Spanbauer, R-Oshkosh; Tony Staskunas, D-West Allis; John Steinbrink, D-Pleasant Prairie; Jeffrey Stone, R-Greendale; Pat Strachota, R-West Bend; Scott Suder, R-Abbotsford; Gary Tauchen, R-Bonduel; Barbara Toles, D-Milwaukee; John Townsend, R-Fond du Lac; Robert Turner, D-Racine; Terry Van Akkeren, D-Sheboygan; Karl Van Roy, R-Green Bay; Robin Vos, R-Racine; Amy Vruwink, D-Milladore; Leah Vukmir, R-Wauwatosa; Annette Williams, D-Milwaukee; Mary Williams, R-Medford; Jeffrey Wood, I-Chetek; Leon Young, D-Milwaukee; Josh Zepnick, D-Milwaukee; Ted Zigmunt, D-Francis Creek; Bob Ziegelbauer, D-Manitowoc; Rich Zipperer, R-Pewaukee.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A little extra cash on the side

Did you hear about the fourth grade teacher in Ohio that was arrested for her side job as a prostitute? I read the story and then had to find her picture. So here is the story and here is Amber Carter's picture. So tell me guys how many of you are lining up?

Authorities say an Ohio fourth-grade teacher had a side job as a prostitute, and even skipped class after using a school computer to arrange an afternoon tryst at a motel. Logan County sheriff's officials say 35-year-old Amber Carter was arrested at a motel parking lot in Bellefontaine in central Ohio. She's charged with misdemeanor prostitution and a felony, unauthorized use of property, regarding the computer. Bellefontaine City Schools Superintendent Larry Anderson says officials are shocked. He says Carter never received a reprimand in 13 years at the district.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Six words that make your resume' stink!

I read this today and thought it would be something good to post. So if you are sending out resume's, here are some words to avoid......

If your resume is littered with buzz words and meaningless phrases, rest assured that hiring managers WILL find them. So, to help make sure you don't look like another average Joe, here are six common words and phrases that make most resumes suck . . .

#1.) RESPONSIBLE FOR. Of course you were responsible for SOMETHING at your last job. But employers want facts, not extra words. Use numbers, percentages and dollar amounts to explain your accomplishments . . . and don't waste the hiring manager's time.

--For example . . . Instead of saying you were responsible for production costs . . . say you reduced production costs by 15 percent.

#2.) EXPERIENCED. Saying you're experienced at something . . . and listing facts about what that experience IS . . . are two very different things. Employers want to know WHAT experience and qualifications you have. They won't just take your word for it.

--So, instead of saying you have experience working with children . . . say that you headed up an advanced reading program for 7 to 10 year olds over the course of six months.

#3.) EXCELLENT WRITTEN COMMUNICATION SKILLS. This is on WAY too many resumes, which is reason enough to keep it off of yours. Did you write email campaigns? Marketing materials? Legal contracts? Whatever it is, be specific.

--For example . . . Instead of saying you have excellent written communication skills . . . say that you wrote easy-to-read online help documentation, and reduced customer support calls by 50 percent.

#4.) TEAM PLAYER. You're not playing baseball, so unless you want to be benched alongside all the other unemployed "TEAM PLAYERS," get some hard facts behind your job pitch.

--Instead of saying you're a team player who works well in groups . . . say you worked with clients, software developers, and technical writers to deliver financial reporting software three months before your deadline.

#5.) DETAIL ORIENTED. Putting this on your resume is a good way to show someone you're NOT detail oriented. So make sure you list some actual details instead. Use facts, numbers and dollar figures to SHOW them that you pay attention to details.

--For example . . . instead of saying you're a detail-oriented public relations professional . . . say you wrote custom press releases targeting 25 news agencies in western Europe.

#6.) SUCCESSFULLY. Employers know you're not listing failures on your resume, so there's no need to tell them you did anything SUCCESSFULLY. Instead, give concrete examples, and let your skills, qualifications and achievements speak for themselves.

--Instead of saying you successfully exceeded your sales quota . . . be specific, and tell them you increased sales of organic chocolate by 32 percent. In the end, the details you provide are the reason you'll get an interview.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

When is enough.....enough!

This woman from Texas who has had eight breast enlargement surgeries, decided she needed one more. Her name is Sheyla Hershey of Houston, Texas, and she used to have the largest breasts in the world at 34FFF. That just wasn't quite big enough because now Sheyla is the proud owner of 38KKK's! Here are some of her pictures. She has other pictures but they were a little too revealing!

By the way, in case your wondering, each one of those bad boys contains a gallon of silicone! I bet that is great on the back and wonderful to lug around!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cruise Highlights

My wife and I just got back from our Caribbean Cruise and had a great time with 57 other guests from this area. Our cruise started out with an overnight stay on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Wow!!! What a party! It was pretty wild and crazy but we somehow survived. We then boarded the NCL Spirit for a 7 day cruise with 4 stops.

Our first stop was Costa Maya, Mexico where I grabbed and little R & R in a beach hammock. Later that night we had a fantastic meal in Le Bistro on board the ship. The dessert that night was Crepe' Suzette which was made right in the open for everyone to see. It's always nice when the chef starts a huge fire right in the dining room!

Our next stop was Guatemala and it was full of surprises. First off it's a beautiful country with beautiful people. This picture is right from the back of the ship.

This is a picture of the harbor in Livingston, Guatemala. One thing that they do that is kinda gross is after they catch fish they fillet them and lay them on the pier, salt them and let them dry out for 3 days. The Mayan people in the high lands buy the fish for protein

In Guatemala we took a tour with a business that we read about on the Internet called Go with Gus. Gus took us a long way up the river into Central Guatemala to a one room school house where kids 1st-6th grade attend school.

The kids lined up outside of the school waiting for school supplies. Gus makes over 700 trips a year delivering school supplies to these kids and many other schools throughout the country.

These kids were very excited to get their new supplies, although some are too young to even know what to do with them!
Gus also brings cough medicine and other medical supplies and passes them out to the parents. He then explained to them how to properly use them. Gus does a great service to his country and is a very smart guy. He lives in Guatemala November-April. His real job is April-November back in New York City where he and his wife work for the state of New York helping to make sure that people don 't get ripped off from shotty contractors and helping to put slumlords out of business! A real class act! If you would like to find out more about Gus's work and how you can help here is his e-mail address: or check out his website:

One of the highlights for us was when we got to meet the ship's Captain at a cocktail party. He spent over a half hour with us telling us stories and making us laugh. A real cool down to earth guy. Here we are with our friends Joe and Mary and Captain Halstrom from Sweden. I asked, but he said I couldn't drive the ship!

Always a highlight of an NCL cruise the Chocoholic Buffet!

We were glad that when we got to Cozumel that Jimmy Buffet opened one of his famed Margarittaville Restaurants. The four of us wore our balloon hats with pride!

One of the many great sunrises at sea! Keep listening to WXRO for updates on where we are going next year and the year after!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Coincidence or Not?????

I read yesterday that former Vice President Dick Cheney hurt himself while moving boxes out of the White House. When he made his appearance at the Inauguration he was in a wheelchair. Now I don't want to get into politics here, and I do wish the former VP the best of health but, I can't help but think of another rich guy in a wheelchair.....Mr Potter from It's a Wonderful Life. The similarity between the two is scary!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pictures from Space is a website run by NASA and it shows some pretty cool images from space. Chances are that you and I are never going to orbit the earth, so here are at least the pictures you would see if you did.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jusdon Laipply, the creator and star of the original "Evolution of Dance" video has made a follow up called "The Evolution of Dance 2". The original version is the most viewed viral video on YouTube. Here are both versions for your enjoyment.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Best Bud's

This is pretty cool. A 15 year old basset hound named Beryl has made a new friend at an animal shelter in the UK. Beryl met Wol a Owl and the two have been best buds ever since! Here is the whole story....

The pair have become inseparable since meeting at an animal refuge, and are quite happy to cuddle up together on an armchair.
Beryl the Basset Hound, who is a grand old dame at 16 years old, and four-year-old tawny owl Wol struck up a friendship when their owner realised they both loved watching television in the evenings.
Sara Ross, who shares her home in Tenterden, Kent, with the animals said: "They are both rescue animals and they're like best buddies. Wol needs full-time care and one day I was giving him a bit of exercise and he just plonked down on Beryl's back. She doesn't mind, she's really laid back and a bit of a pussycat really.
"She didn't mind at all and now you can't keep them apart.
"Four times-a-week you'll see them settle down to watch what's going on in Albert Square. Beryl barks when it's over and Wol gets a bit upset too, with a bit of flapping.
She added: "They are inseparable. They love cuddling up and watching television together.
"It won't come as a surprise that they love nature documentaries, but they also like soaps like Coronation Street and Emmerdale."
She added: "I've never known two animals who are so different hit it off quite so well. They just love being around each other."