Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Christmas Flash Mob AWESOME!

This is an awesome display of how good a flash mob can be!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

You're Number One!!!

The results are in and the number one YouTube video of the year is.........

The Bed Intruder Song!

This was created after a man broke into a women's apartment and tried to sexually assault her. Some dude then took all the news footage and made a song out of it. Although this was a serious story the local TV news station really should look for someone else to interview next time. This video has been viewed over 47 million times!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thanks Jacob.....

If you haven't seen the video yet that Craig Warmbold and Lezli Young put together yet on the the Jacob Gassen's funeral you have got to see it. It brought back a lot of memories for me. My brother died in 1985 while on a training flight for the Air National Guard. Our fighting men and women deserve more than we can give them.

Well done Craig and Lezli! And Godspeed Jacob.........

Monday, December 6, 2010

One tough Cross Country Runner

A 16-year-old cross country runner from San Francisco named Holland Reynolds collapsed just before crossing the finish line at a race last week. Then she crawled the last 15 feet to help her team win the state championship.

--After the race, Holland was treated for dehydration and hypothermia, and the footage has become a huge hit on YouTube.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Must be hard to find a decent hat

Strangest Mugshot Ever? A Man With Half a Head Is Arrested for Soliciting a Prostitute:

This is a candidate for one of the STRANGEST MUGSHOTS ever.

--25-year-old Carlos Rodriguez of Miami, Florida was arrested earlier this month for soliciting a prostitute . . . when he approached an undercover police officer and told her he was looking to pay $80 for some [rhymes with "wussy"].

--And in his mugshot, you can see that he only has HALF A HEAD.

--Yes, that's right, half of a head. It appears that his skull is totally caved in and the top of his head is gone. We have no idea where his brain went. We have no idea how he's walking and talking, let alone savvy enough to solicit prostitutes.

--For now, all we know is that he's missing a large part of his head and there are mugshots to prove it. (Miami New Times)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tom Cruise may be nuts, but he has balls!

Tom Cruise has been ripped on over the past years for jumping on a couch on Oprah. Being involved with Scientology, and generally putting his foot in his mouth. The one thing you can't take away from the guy is his stones. This is a stunt from on top of the tallest building in the world in Dubai. All I can say WOW! He has big time guts doing his own stunts.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sven and Ole

My buddy Scott sent me this.....

Sven is passing by Ole's hay shed one day when through a gap in the door, he sees Ole doing a slow and sensual striptease in front of his old red Massey Ferguson. Buttocks clenched, he performs a slow pirouette and gently slides off, first the right suspender, followed by the left. He then hunches his shoulders forward and in a classic striptease move, lets the straps fall down from his shoulders to dangle by his hips over his coveralls. Grabbing both sides of his checked shirt he rips it apart to reveal his snoose stained t-shirt underneath and, with a final flourish, he hurls his seed cap on to a pile of hay.

"Whatcha ya doing then, Ole" says Sven.

"Yeezuzs Sven, ya sacred the crap out of me" says a quite embarrassed Ole, "but ya see, me and Lena been having some trouble lately in the bedroom department, ya know, and the Therapist suggested I do something sexy to a tractor."

(Insert rim shot here!)

Wow that is a costume!

Some guy built his own robot costume for Halloween and posted a video of it on YouTube. The costume itself is cool . . . it looks like one of the military robot suits from "Avatar" . . . but it's so big it would never fit through a door.

--Which is probably why the video shows him walking down the street. According to his YouTube post, it cost him over $1,300, including the $210 he had to spend on a truck to transport it. (--Search for "ultimate robot costume scw 2010.")

Monday, October 18, 2010

June Cleaver RIP

Barbara Billingsley passed away this weekend at age 94. Always remembered as Beaver's mom on Leave it to Beaver she also made this famous appearance in the movie Airplane.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Toxic Sludge in Europe

Several towns in Hungary were flooded yesterday with a reddish brown liquid that looked like mud. But it was actually something much worse. It was a toxic byproduct from an aluminum plant that had a MAJOR accident.

--The plant's reservoir burst, causing a flash flood of toxic sludge that covered 16 square miles. The sludge is so toxic, it can burn human skin. At least four people were killed, and 120 were injured.

--There's a crazy video on YouTube that shows the flood raging through a small town.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What the F%&^%$

This has to be the most bizarre movie trailer I have ever seen. A little bit of fat guy frontal nudity. Please enjoy....from Finland.....Rare Exports.

In case the whole video doesn't display on your screen correctly here is the webpage.

What the F%&^%$

This has to be the most bizarre movie trailer I have ever seen. A little bit of fat guy frontal nudity. Please enjoy....from Finland.....Rare Exports.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The husband's dream horse race

Not so good landing

This guy was lucky. They cut him down and everything is fine.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Look.....but don't touch!

This guy must feel like a real idiot!

Tina Fey's first appearance on TV

Before she was a big star Tina Fey did commercials. Here is her first form 1995.

Mutual Savings Bank - "Hi!" - Featuring Tina Fey from Purple Onion Films on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Man I Love our Troops!

This is a pretty cool video of our troops securing a Port a Potty.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I thought you should know....


Everyone knows that a glass of wine a day is good for your heart. But the website put together a list of the six most SURPRISING ways alcohol is good for you. Here's the list . . .

#1.) ALOCHOL CAN HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT. In a study of 37,000 people, the ones who had a few drinks a week were thinner than people who didn't drink at all. Not surprisingly, BINGE drinkers were the chubbiest.

#2.) ALCOHOL IS AN ANTIDOTE. The ingredient in antifreeze that makes it work is called ethylene glycol (--pronounced eth-a-leen GLY-call. And it's EXTREMELY poisonous.

--If you drink it, symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, paranoia, dementia, and hallucinations. And eventually, it forms little, needle-shaped crystals inside your body that shred your kidneys and kill you.

--But if you call Poison Control, they'll tell you to drink a few shots of vodka, THEN go to the hospital.

--Here's why: Your body digests ethanol quickly, and vodka is basically just ethanol and water. So if you drink enough vodka, you should be able to pass the ethylene glycol in your urine before it crystallizes and kills you.

--The method is so reliable, it's used in hospitals all over the world.

#3.) ALCOHOL IMPROVES YOUR LIBIDO. But only if you drink a little. Studies have shown that men who drink in moderation are 20 to 30 percent less likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction.

#3.) ALCOHOL MAKES YOU SMARTER. In a study that was published in the "British Medical Journal," people who had 30 drinks per week performed better on logic and reasoning tests than people who drank very little or didn't drink at all.

--And they even scored better on short-term MEMORY tests.

#5.) ALCOHOL HELPS IF YOU TAKE A SHOT TO THE HEAD. Researchers studied almost 40,000 cases of people with head injuries. And patients had less swelling in their brains if they were DRUNK when the injury occurred.

--The reason alcohol keeps your brain from swelling is because it's an anti-inflammatory, like ibuprofen.

#6.) ALCOHOL CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE. When you fall down, your body usually tenses up and braces for impact.

--But when you're drunk, your central nervous system is basically numb, so your body stays relaxed, and not as much of the force is transferred to your bones and vital organs.

--Here's an example, but don't try this at home: A Russian guy drank THREE BOTTLES OF VODKA, then jumped out of his kitchen window. He fell FIVE STORIES, then he got up, walked upstairs, and jumped AGAIN.

--And he survived with just a few cuts and bruises.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Gene Simmons watch out!

This kid from California has the longest tongue in America! Next time you need a stamp licked think of this kid.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tik Tok goes the Israeli Military

Wow! These guys can really dance on the West Bank!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010


You've probably seen those lists about "other" uses for regular household items. But there's a new one from that's pretty good, because the secondary uses for some of these things are just bizarre. Here are the top five . . .

#1.) USE ALKA-SELTZER ON INSECT BITES. It has aspirin in it, which helps if the bites are itchy or painful. Calamine lotion has zinc oxide in it, which can dry out your skin. But Alka-Setzer won't. Plus, it works faster.

--If you want to try it, crush up one Alka-Seltzer tablet, mix it with water, and add a pinch of oatmeal, which also soothes your skin. Then just rub it on. The bug bite should feel better immediately.

#2.) USE MOUTHWASH TO PREVENT ATHLETE'S FOOT. Pour some on a cotton ball, then rub it all over the bottoms of your feet and in between your toes after you shower.

--The only catch is, it has to have alcohol in it because that's what makes it work, and some types of mouthwash are alcohol-free, like ACT or Tom's Of Maine.

#3.) USE ALOE VERA TO GET RID OF CANKER SORES. Aloe vera has vitamins and amino acids that repair damaged tissue. And a study found that people healed 50% faster if they applied aloe vera directly to their canker sores.

#4.) USE NASAL SPRAY TO STOP A NOSEBLEED. Most nosebleeds can be stopped by just pinching your nose for 10 to 20 minutes. But if that doesn't work, try a nasal spray like Afrin or Mucinex.

--About two-thirds of people who go to the emergency room for nosebleeds are successfully treated with oxymetazoline (--pronounced oxy-meta-ZOH-leen), which is the active ingredient in nasal sprays like Afrin and Mucinex.

#5.) USE BAKING SODA ON IRRITATED SKIN. It takes the sting out of sunburns, and it helps with itchiness and discomfort if you have eczema or get poison ivy.

--If you must know, it's because baking soda is sodium bicarbonate . . . a mild alkaline compound that can get the pH balance of your skin back to normal. The best way to use it is to draw a bath, then pour in one cup of baking soda.

--Make sure you mix it in really well so it completely dissolves. Then just soak in the tub for about 30 minutes.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Boy Gaga?

A 13-year-old named Greyson Michael Chance performed the LADY GAGA song "Paparazzi" at his school's music festival, and he pretty much nailed it. You can tell just by looking at the faces of the teenage girls in the background.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Way to go Adam!


This is a really UNBELIEVABLE story out of Howell, in eastern Michigan. 15-year-old Adam Stone has Down syndrome . . . mentally, he's at about a fourth-grade level. He also has autism, asthma and was born with four holes in his heart.

--And, basically, he's said to the world: Eff all that. I'm getting my BLACK BELT in karate anyway.

--Adam has been taking karate for years and, in the next few months, he should earn his black belt.

--His instructor is Sam Larioza, who says that Adam has legitimately earned every belt along the way . . . no special treatment. Quote, "Earning a black belt is tough, but for Adam to get it, it's like . . . climbing Mount Everest."

--Outside of karate, Adam also plays basketball for a Special Olympics team and has a girlfriend. (--We don't know more details about the girlfriend but, yes, this guy has clearly got his life in a pretty damn good place.)

--His mother, Gwen, says, quote, "All that Adam has accomplished has been because of his strong will. My message to other parents would be to never give up on your child. Let your child follow their dreams. Everybody has a future." (Iron Mountain Daily / NBC 4 - Detroit)

(Here is the video)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Volcano Pics

Check out these pictures from the volcano eruption in Iceland. WOW!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Butt Patch


As a pervert, I'm a major fan of women's low-rise pants. When the ladies wear them, I get a free eyeful of BOOTY CRACK when they bend over. And that brings me great pleasure. (???)

--But if having someone see your "coin slot" makes you uncomfortable, you're in luck.

--Introducing the "Backtacular Gluteal Cleft Shield." It's an adhesive denim patch that attaches directly to your skin, and covers up your "plumber's crack."

--The idea is to place the patch right at the top of your backside, so that when you bend over while you're wearing low-rise jeans, the people behind you get a look at the fashionable patch, instead of your un-fashionable crack. (Fashionista)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I love drums!

Check out 3 year old Howard Wong on drums! This kid is awesome!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I need this picture like I need a hole in my head!

Recently, 16-year-old Xiao Wei was working at an Internet café in northeastern China, when he was approached by a group of local gang members.

--They wanted him to install some unauthorized software on one of the café's computers in order to beat the high score on a video game called "Counter-Strike" . . . a high score that belonged to Xiao.

--But Xiao refused, so the thugs plunged a 10-inch knife into his SKULL. (!!!)

--Amazingly, the blade completely missed Xiao's brain, and all of his main arteries and nerves. According to his doctors, he's expected to make a full recovery.

--But you wouldn't know it from looking at the X-ray. From the photo, it looks like the blade of the knife goes right through the kid's entire head. It's insane.

Lady Gaga Parody

This is soooo funny!!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Way to go Uke!

Bob Uecker To Be Inducted Into WWE Hall Of Fame
Baseball announcer Bob Uecker will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Saturday for appearing twice as a wrestling announcer in the 1980s. During one WWE appearance, Uecker was choked by the late Andre the Giant during a 1988 “WrestleMania” interview. Although Uecker’s stint in professional wrestling was brief, WWE CEO Vince McMahon said his involvement helped make the organization a hit with millions of fans. “Seeing the huge hands of WWE Hall of Famer Andre the Giant around Uecker’s neck is a clip that became immortalized in pop culture history,” McMahon said. The induction ceremony will be held in Phoenix and air on the USA Network.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why do I love March Maddness.........

Greatest buzzer beaters of all time in the NCAA Tournament.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Health Plan

Here is the President's health care plan. What do you think?

Health Care 101: A Primer On Obama’s Bill

It took lawmakers a year to shape President Obama’s health care bill. If it finally passes Congress, it’ll take a decade to write the user manual for consumers and doctors, employers and insurance companies. Some health insurance consumer protections would go into place immediately, while others would be phased in. The big expansion in coverage comes in four years. About 25 million people would sign up, with most getting tax credits to help pay premiums. But even if the 2,700-plus-page bill passes, it’s only the end of the beginning. The House is expected to vote on the final legislation this week, with the Senate to follow later. Here’s some things you should know about the bill.

Immediate Changes:
· Uninsured people with medical problems will have a workable alternative. The bill pumps $5 billion into high-risk insurance pools run by the states to provide coverage to those with preexisting conditions. Taxpayer-backed insurance won’t be free, but premiums should be much lower than what’s charged by private insurers.

· For people with private health insurance – about two-thirds of Americans – there would be some new safeguards. For example, insurers would be barred from placing lifetime dollar limits on coverage and from canceling policies except in cases of fraud. Children could stay on their parents’ coverage until age 26.

The Self-Employed:
· Starting in 2014, self-employed people and those whose employers don’t offer coverage would be able to pick a plan through a health insurance exchange. It’s modeled on the federal employee health program available to members of Congress, with a range of private plans. Small businesses could join also.

· About 25 million would buy coverage through state exchanges, and nearly 60% would be eligible for help with their premiums. The new tax credits would be computed according to income. The money would go straight to the insurer. For example, a family of four making $44,000 would pay $2,763 in premiums for a policy worth $9,345. But a similar family making $66,000 would have to pay $6,257 in premiums.

· People with employer-provided insurance would not see major changes. But if they lost their job, they’d be able to get coverage through the exchange.

· Primary care doctors and general surgeons practicing in underserved areas such as inner cities and rural communities would get a 10% bonus from Medicare. But the more significant changes for doctors would unfold slowly. The goal is to start rewarding doctors for keeping patients healthy, not just treating them when they get sick.

· The plan would use Medicare as a testing ground for new ways of coordinating care for patients and multiple chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems. Primary care doctors would become care managers for such patients, keeping close tabs on medications and basic health indicators.

· Obama’s plan wouldn’t require employers to provide insurance to their workers, but it would hit them with a stiff fine if even one of their workers gets a federally subsidized coverage. Companies with 50 or fewer workers would be exempt, and those with 25 workers or less could get federal assistance.

· But the fines could turn into a big headache for many employers, particularly since they may not be able to tell if their workers are getting benefits from the government. For example, a company with 100 employees that fails to provide coverage could face a fine of $140,000 under the plan Obama unveiled on February 22nd.

Insurance Companies:
· Health insurance companies would face federal regulation and particularly close scrutiny of their bottom line. A lot of Americans were furious when they found out that CEOs of the country’s largest insurance companies made millions of dollars, while at the same time complaining about the company not profiting. Under Obama’s plan, a fixed percentage of income from premiums would have to go to medical care, otherwise insurers would be forced to provide rebates for consumers. That share is 85% for large group plans, and 80% for plans in the small group and individual markets.

· One of the central reforms of the bill won’t start until 2014, when the exchanges open. From then on, insurers will not be able to turn away people with medical problems or charge them more.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Poor Lindsay

This is so ridiculous, you'll think it's completely made up . . . but it's not.

--LINDSAY LOHAN is suing E-Trade over one of its "talking baby" commercials . . . because she thinks it's making fun of her. (???)

--Remember the E-Trade ad that debuted during the Super Bowl? It featured a brief appearance by a boyfriend-stealing, MILKAHOLIC baby girl named LINDSAY.

--Well, Lindsay Lohan thinks that was meant to be HER. And she wants $100 MILLION for the PAIN AND SUFFERING it has caused her.

--She also wants the ad taken off the air, and she wants every copy of it . . . presumably so she can destroy them all.

--Lindsay's attorney says, quote, "Many celebrities are known by one name only, and E-Trade is using that knowledge to profit.

--"They used the name Lindsay. They're using her name as a parody of her life. Why didn't they use the name Susan? This is a subliminal message. Everybody's talking about it and saying it's Lindsay Lohan.

--"She's very upset about it. They did not have permission nor her consent. It's not something that she would have agreed to."

--A spokesman for the company that made the add says, quote, "[We] just used a popular baby name that happened to be the name of someone on the account team."

Monday, February 22, 2010

Snowboarders are a Different Breed...

U.S. snowboarder SCOTT LAGO won a Bronze medal in the Halfpipe event last week. Then he decided to use his medal to help PICK UP CHICKS.

--Lago wore his bronze medal and a Team U.S.A. t-shirt while partying in Vancouver late Thursday night. And TMZ got photos of him allowing an Olympic party chick to BITE his medal while he held it.

--Then Lago and the girl decided to take it a step further. He put the medal around his WAIST, and she kneeled to kiss it while it dangled down the front of his pants.

--Lago arrived back in the States on Saturday, but he didn't seem too torn up by the controversy. He wrote a post on Twitter saying, quote, "Keeping my medal in a safe spot for now haha."

So is this enough to get sent home from the Olympics???

Friday, February 19, 2010

Need Proof Reader?


Someone at the Toronto newspaper "The Globe and Mail" wasn't paying attention to the layout on Tuesday.

--The paper ran an Olympic-themed ad from the Chartered Accountants of Canada on page O12. It showed a luge racer and said, "When there are no brakes to rely on, every decision matters."

--Directly opposite the ad, on page O13 was an article titled "Games still reeling from shock of luger's death." (--Check out these unfortunately placed items here . . .)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The coolest invention EVER!!!


Last weekend, a group of inventors unveiled the "Heineken Bot" at the Kinetica Art Fair in London. Basically, it's a Heineken mini-keg-on-wheels that's been programmed to zoom around a party pouring drinks for people. And yes, it's as cool as it sounds.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

4 Tips to lose weight


As an American, it's practically your patriotic duty to become an obese, self-centered loud-mouth. But if you'd rather be a self-centered loud-mouth of average size, here are four diet tips to help you shed those extra pounds:

#1.) Start walking: The American Heart Association recommends you take 10,000 steps every day. That's like walking three miles a day. Or 1,095 miles a year.

--But while the average European walks about 237 miles a year, the average American walks just 87 miles a year. That's about 8% of how much you should be walking.

#2.) Eat slower: For most Americans, eating a meal involves stuffing their face with as much food as possible, as quickly as possible. But studies have shown that eating slowly can help you feel full quicker, which will prevent overeating.

#3.) Eat-in more: The average American eats more than half their meals at restaurants, while residents of the healthiest countries in the world eat out only on special occasions.

#4.) Be careful with tropical fruits: If you're trying to lose weight, eating more fruit is a good place to start. But watch out for tropical fruits like pineapple and coconut because they have the highest fat and sugar content of all fruits.

(That's Fit)

Just remember, start off slow and work your way up with more exercise.

Most importantly cut down portion sizes!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Insane artist!


Peter Callesen is an artist from Denmark who uses just a single sheet of plain paper to create the most amazing 3-D paper sculptures. I promise you, his work is much cooler than it sounds. In fact, it's pretty unbelievable. (Digg)

Copy and paste this link into your browser.

Then click on the first item on the left labeled A4 Papercut

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Helping Haiti

Here are various ways that you can help the people of Haiti. This country has been devastated by a major earthquake and the people there need your help!IF everyone just donated one dollar we could really make a difference.


The International Red Cross said that up to 3 million people may have been affected by Tuesday’s earthquake in Haiti. The biggest need is money. Here’s some information from CNN and other reputable organizations offering assistance, along with information for loved ones.

· The U.S. State Department has set up a hotline for information on family members who may be in Haiti: 888.407.4747. This number is for information on U.S. citizens in Haiti only.

· You can text donations for Haiti relief from your cell phone. In addition to your donation amount, standard text messaging fees will apply. Red Cross: Text HAITI to 90999 ($10 donation)

· Web sites where you can offer money, your time, and other ways to help. (Stations: You may want to post the links you mention on the air on your Web site.)

Providing Basic Needs:
- American Red Cross ( 1.800.Red.Cross
- CARE ( 1.800.521.CARE
- Save The Children ( 1.800.728.3843 or 203.221.4030
- American Jewish World Service (
- William J. Clinton Foundation (
- World Concern (
- Mercy Corps (
- U.S. Fund for UNICEF ( 1.800.4UNICEF
- YELE Haiti – founded by Wyclef Jean ( Text YELE to 501501 to donate $5

Providing Medical Aid:
- International Medical Corps ( 1.800.481.4462
- Doctors Without Borders ( 1.888.392.0392
- Operation USA ( 1.800.678.7255
- World Health Organization (
- AmeriCares ( 1.800.486.HELP
- Direct Relief ( 1.805.964.4767 or 1.800.676.1638
- Christian Global Health organization ( 1.800.959.4327

Providing Food:
- Salvation Army ( 1.800.SAL.ARMY
- World Food Programme (
- Food For The Poor (

Providing Shelter:
- Habitat for Humanity International (
- Shelterbox ( 941.907.6036

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hold off on buying these.....


#1.) DVDs: By the end of the year, Blockbuster plans to close nearly a quarter of its stores, and you know why: The late fees are annoying, services like Netflix are ridiculously cheap, and your cable provider offers plenty of on-demand movies.

#2.) Home telephone service: You already have a cell phone, email, instant messaging and Skype to help you stay in touch. So why bother with a landline?

#3.) External hard drives: You need to back up all the music, photos, and other material on your computer. But online backup services like and are already starting to replace traditional external hard drives.

#4.) Smartphones that aren't the iPhone or BlackBerry: Right now, BlackBerries account for 40% of the smartphone market, and the iPhone accounts for another 25%. Unless you go with the Google phone that just came out, don't bother with anyone else.

#5.) Compact digital cameras: The wave of the future is the single-lens reflex camera. They're a little bulkier, but they take much better photos.

#6.) Newspaper subscriptions: If you need to get your news, there's this CRAZY new invention called the Internet where you can get breaking news all day long. (???)

#7.) CDs: Like the eight-track and the cassette tape before it, the CD is about to go the way of the dinosaurs. But you've seen that one coming for years, haven't you?

#8.) New college textbooks: There's really no point in shelling out for new textbooks when you can get them much cheaper used. Better yet, download your textbooks on the Internet, or rent them from a service called

#9.) Gas-guzzling cars: It's finally happened . . . consumers are interested in buying cars that get good gas mileage, and manufacturers are interested in making them.

#10.) Homes and appliances that aren't energy-efficient: Thanks to all the new federal environmental standards, and the tax credits tied to energy-efficient home upgrades, anything that's not energy-efficient is about to become a thing of the past.

(Yahoo Finance)